The Japanese Manga style are popular across the globe for its uniqueness and superior artwork, Here is why you should totally read Manga comics

  • The world of manga covers so much ground that it is hard to not find a story you will be interested in. Do you want to read a emotional story about kid cyborgs who kick terrorist butt? There is a manga for that. Do you want to read a story about a crazy city with equally crazy people with gangs and with a dose of supernatural. There is a manga for that. Do you want to read a story about a group of girls coming together with superpowers? There’s a whole genre for that called the Magic
  • Manga works are completed and original
  • A lot of manga has unique and interesting insights into Eastern culture. From simple things like cultural traditions to more deep things like gender roles, their deep rooted religious culture etc.
  • Visit for more info.
  • Manga is a medium that encompasses a vast array of genres and age groups, philosophies, themes, and morals
  • Western comics are very monotone: funny comics try only to be funny and serious comics try only to be serious. But Japanese comics are good at mixing serious and funny
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